My good friends Smitty and Tres put on a heck of a Halloween Party every year.

Click here for 2004 pictures

Here are pictures of the pumpkins entered in the 2003 pumpkin carving contest - this represents the 10th annual carving contest! Some tough competition in this crowd!

A tribute to the Bears - 3rd place winner - This guy was probably a 30 pound pumpkin!

The far left shows the electrocuted pumpkin - It was lit up with a road flare! Sparks shot out of his mouth!

A well carved ghost - spooooky.

The Grope - This one had a sound maker in it - 1st place winner!

Jack Nicholson from the movie The Shining...'Heeeres Johnny'. Sweet!

Who could resist this cute kitten?

This guy drank himself out of the contest

A tribute to Arnold Shwartzenegger - the Pumpkinator...

Radioactive guy had glow sticks cut open and poured on him - very cool (see www.extreme for more ideas like this)

Scarry Harry (Caray) - well ok it wan't scarry but it was *ahem* Harry.

Awesome original design - I loved it and though it should have been a winner. This was another 30+ pound monster!

Spongebob Squarepants - well carved and looked very good - popular with the crowd - 2nd place winner

An evil troll - He was kinda creepy with spiders in his hair and protruding ears. A very original idea.

The winners were 3rd place - The Bears Pumpkin
2nd place - Spongebob Squarepants
And 1st place was The Grope...